Live in present!
Just ask yourself one question. How much time or how many minutes or seconds you can concentrate while studying or reading? Answer it honestly.
What’s your answer?
When this question was asked to the students of IIT Mumbai, Mechanical branch, the answer was 2 to 5 seconds.
Isn’t it astonishing? Yes, but that’s the truth.
Even when we are reading or lets say (frankly) our eyes are on the letters or alphabets but our mind is somewhere else. And this happens with every body, with everyone.
That’s what Rashmit Bhaiyya (our guru at art of living workshop) told us. He said our mind is never stable. It is very unstable and it loves to wonder from present to past and to future. It never remains or stays in future. And that’s what creates lot of problem.
Just take example of us during our exam. When we realize that next day we have our exam, we all can imagine our condition. Right? Well then we weight the book and mere weight of the book kill our hope. Then we count the pages and looking at 3-digit number page numbers all the remaining hopes vanish. Then some how we gather courage to start reading the book. The fact that it’s too late to start study click to us and then time travel of our mind starts. First our mind travels to past and then we remember all the exams that we have given till now. And then we realize that every time we made the same mistake of doing the study just one day before the exam. An then every time we decide that from next time we will not repeat this and we will study from starting. But then we never ever followed it.
Then our mind travels to Future and then we decide that from next time anyhow we are gonna study from starting.
Then our mind starts imagining things of future and we hope that something should happen.................something ..........anything that will postpone the exam. Small earthquake, or small riots, of there should be ‘Bund’.
But in thinking all this, we forget to study and when few hours are remaining for paper we realize that nothing gonna happen, we will be required to give that damm paper. And we regret that we wasted time in thinking about past and future. If we have used that time for studying, i.e for present, things would have been different.
That’s what happens with us. It’s human tendency to bother about past and future and to forget about present. We waste our time, precious time in thinking about past and future.
That’s why someone has rightly said-
“ Past is the bounce check,
Future is the check that has no guarantee,
But only present is the cash that we have”
So live in present. Make it beautiful.
well..being glued to the past is certainly the worst thing to do. I competed JEE in 2006 and my first year was spent precariously in basking in the limelight. I could have moved on.
why don't you learn something from SRIMAD BHAGWAD GITA ? its the most pragmatic of all books that have ever been written.
good diction and style of writing. I am adding your blog to my blog list.
Completely correct.And the example you gave about the exam is the condition I have in my xams.
And yeah,thanks for completing my request about writing something which u learned at ART OF LIVING.
AJ Rox
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