Live in present!
Just ask yourself one question. How much time or how many minutes or seconds you can concentrate while studying or reading? Answer it honestly.
What’s your answer?
When this question was asked to the students of IIT Mumbai, Mechanical branch, the answer was 2 to 5 seconds.
Isn’t it astonishing? Yes, but that’s the truth.
Even when we are reading or lets say (frankly) our eyes are on the letters or alphabets but our mind is somewhere else. And this happens with every body, with everyone.
That’s what Rashmit Bhaiyya (our guru at art of living workshop) told us. He said our mind is never stable. It is very unstable and it loves to wonder from present to past and to future. It never remains or stays in future. And that’s what creates lot of problem.
Just take example of us during our exam. When we realize that next day we have our exam, we all can imagine our condition. Right? Well then we weight the book and mere weight of the book kill our hope. Then we count the pages and looking at 3-digit number page numbers all the remaining hopes vanish. Then some how we gather courage to start reading the book. The fact that it’s too late to start study click to us and then time travel of our mind starts. First our mind travels to past and then we remember all the exams that we have given till now. And then we realize that every time we made the same mistake of doing the study just one day before the exam. An then every time we decide that from next time we will not repeat this and we will study from starting. But then we never ever followed it.
Then our mind travels to Future and then we decide that from next time anyhow we are gonna study from starting.
Then our mind starts imagining things of future and we hope that something should happen.................something ..........anything that will postpone the exam. Small earthquake, or small riots, of there should be ‘Bund’.
But in thinking all this, we forget to study and when few hours are remaining for paper we realize that nothing gonna happen, we will be required to give that damm paper. And we regret that we wasted time in thinking about past and future. If we have used that time for studying, i.e for present, things would have been different.
That’s what happens with us. It’s human tendency to bother about past and future and to forget about present. We waste our time, precious time in thinking about past and future.
That’s why someone has rightly said-
“ Past is the bounce check,
Future is the check that has no guarantee,
But only present is the cash that we have”
So live in present. Make it beautiful.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Monday, July 21, 2008
Thank God i joined it!

I had already paid 500 Rs for it so willingly or unwillingly I had to attend it. It was the workshop for youth of Nagpur arranged by ART OF LIVING.
Some times u take a road or path unwillingly and then u realize that this is what u were searching for.Thats what happened with me .
Art of living…..the first thing that comes to our mind is elderly people sitting , doing yogasans, chanting mantras and listening to (sorry for this) swami or baba. Isn’t it? Yes the same thing came to my mind, to my entire friends mind those who had also made blunder by registering for it. And the comments of our non-registered friends, “Yaar tum log budhe ho gaye kya art of living lagane ke liye. Jake bhajan gana wahape”, discouraged us more and we were desperate to get our money back but no way out. They were not ready to return money back. So we decided to check out it once.
The first day of workshop……….17 July. Timing was from 5 to 9pm. We all decided to bunk last 2 classes so that we can take proper rest and then go. Actually this idea was given by one of my nine friends. According to him pre workshop rest was necessary for us, as we had to sustain the 4-hour bhashan and lecture and various assans. The venue was MUNDLE HALL near DIKSHABHUMI (Nagpur). As per Indian standard time we all ten friends gathered at our meeting point and those who didn’t follow Indian standard time (IST) were complaining that they had to wait for long for those who followed IST. Some how we managed to find the hall…assemble hall of a school………..and most amazing thing was that we all didn’t forgot to bring our passes. We got stamps on our pass………….a way of attendance………..and we entered the hall. And on stage there was written ‘UTSAV’ with thermacol alphabets. Then it dawned to me that the name of workshop is Utsav and coincidently one of my ten friends name is Utsav and hence we were able to kill our 10 to 15 minutes teasing him ,as we were first time ,before time ,and program was yet to start. And then slowly the hall was compactly filled with so called youths of Nagpur. I was patiently waiting and our condition was miserable.
And suddenly there was announcement and there entered our first GURU and believe me I couldn’t believe me that that person who was introduced as our Guru is gonna teach such a big mob because he was appearing so young and actually he was hardly 30.He was introduced as “RASHMIT BHAIYYA” .He is an international chess player and has an international ranking. He is from Mumbai but now stays in Banglore. And then our next Guru Nanda Tai came. She must be near about 30 to 35. So it was really hard to digest this that we actually invested our 500 Rs for hearing to these young Gurus who are hardly few years older than the seniors of our college. And now I was sure that due to my mere dumbness and stupidity I had wasted 500 Rs……..I could have done so many things in it……..could have drink 7-8 coffees in CCD or could have eaten 5-6 Pizzas in it.
But as we all know the saying ‘looks can be deceptive’ , that is what happened in my case. And friends believe me whatever happened after that made a great impact on me and it will definitely be with me throughout my life. When rashmit bhaiyya and Nanda tai started talking, and most important when I started listening to them with full focus and concentration, only one thought came to my mind-‘ Thank God I joined it’.
Some times u take a road or path unwillingly and then u realize that this is what u were searching for.Thats what happened with me .
Art of living…..the first thing that comes to our mind is elderly people sitting , doing yogasans, chanting mantras and listening to (sorry for this) swami or baba. Isn’t it? Yes the same thing came to my mind, to my entire friends mind those who had also made blunder by registering for it. And the comments of our non-registered friends, “Yaar tum log budhe ho gaye kya art of living lagane ke liye. Jake bhajan gana wahape”, discouraged us more and we were desperate to get our money back but no way out. They were not ready to return money back. So we decided to check out it once.
The first day of workshop……….17 July. Timing was from 5 to 9pm. We all decided to bunk last 2 classes so that we can take proper rest and then go. Actually this idea was given by one of my nine friends. According to him pre workshop rest was necessary for us, as we had to sustain the 4-hour bhashan and lecture and various assans. The venue was MUNDLE HALL near DIKSHABHUMI (Nagpur). As per Indian standard time we all ten friends gathered at our meeting point and those who didn’t follow Indian standard time (IST) were complaining that they had to wait for long for those who followed IST. Some how we managed to find the hall…assemble hall of a school………..and most amazing thing was that we all didn’t forgot to bring our passes. We got stamps on our pass………….a way of attendance………..and we entered the hall. And on stage there was written ‘UTSAV’ with thermacol alphabets. Then it dawned to me that the name of workshop is Utsav and coincidently one of my ten friends name is Utsav and hence we were able to kill our 10 to 15 minutes teasing him ,as we were first time ,before time ,and program was yet to start. And then slowly the hall was compactly filled with so called youths of Nagpur. I was patiently waiting and our condition was miserable.
And suddenly there was announcement and there entered our first GURU and believe me I couldn’t believe me that that person who was introduced as our Guru is gonna teach such a big mob because he was appearing so young and actually he was hardly 30.He was introduced as “RASHMIT BHAIYYA” .He is an international chess player and has an international ranking. He is from Mumbai but now stays in Banglore. And then our next Guru Nanda Tai came. She must be near about 30 to 35. So it was really hard to digest this that we actually invested our 500 Rs for hearing to these young Gurus who are hardly few years older than the seniors of our college. And now I was sure that due to my mere dumbness and stupidity I had wasted 500 Rs……..I could have done so many things in it……..could have drink 7-8 coffees in CCD or could have eaten 5-6 Pizzas in it.
But as we all know the saying ‘looks can be deceptive’ , that is what happened in my case. And friends believe me whatever happened after that made a great impact on me and it will definitely be with me throughout my life. When rashmit bhaiyya and Nanda tai started talking, and most important when I started listening to them with full focus and concentration, only one thought came to my mind-‘ Thank God I joined it’.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
The day my scooty got punctured
Hey this is one more poem that i have written. Hope u enjoy it! Would love to have ur comments on it.
The day my scooty got punctured 
Yesterday I got my scooty punctured,
So grudging I had to trudge the road
I took the path ahead
And waved my scooty bye,
Then I noticed new thing
Up in the sky;
As i had seen in nursery rhymes
It was a seven colored rainbow,
Then it clicked to me
That my nature experience is so low;
On the green grass
the little droplets I saw,
N a frog eating an insect
It was the nature’s law;
My hair dancing to its tune
I felt the breeze’s freshness,
I herd the birds chirping
Through the air’s quietness;
I witnessed the setting of the sun
With orange hues in the blue,
Then it dawned to me
Till now my life was not true;
Somewhere I forgot the nature
In the hectic schedule of it,
Nature’s beauty n sanity
never I bothered about it a bit;
In this nature lies the true happiness
today I realized till now I was wrong,
We need to learn its wisdom n ways
we need to sing nature’s song;
We need to forget our worries
and be with mother nature ,
We need to give it sometime
Yesterday I got my scooty punctured,
So grudging I had to trudge the road
I took the path ahead
And waved my scooty bye,
Then I noticed new thing
Up in the sky;
As i had seen in nursery rhymes
It was a seven colored rainbow,
Then it clicked to me
That my nature experience is so low;
On the green grass
the little droplets I saw,
N a frog eating an insect
It was the nature’s law;
My hair dancing to its tune
I felt the breeze’s freshness,
I herd the birds chirping
Through the air’s quietness;
I witnessed the setting of the sun
With orange hues in the blue,
Then it dawned to me
Till now my life was not true;
Somewhere I forgot the nature
In the hectic schedule of it,
Nature’s beauty n sanity
never I bothered about it a bit;
In this nature lies the true happiness
today I realized till now I was wrong,
We need to learn its wisdom n ways
we need to sing nature’s song;
We need to forget our worries
and be with mother nature ,
We need to give it sometime
In it lies our future.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Saturday, July 5, 2008

This is a short story written by me for an online weekly compition. And it's topis was DESERT.
Am i so bad?"
She asked the only lake remaining in her region. The only lake that people thought as a blessing of God.
"Tell me , am i so bad, so rude, that people, my own people those who belong to me, those who have been living here since decades, blame me, curse me for my nature."
Desert was really in a very bad mood. She was fed up by the taunts n curses of people who keep blaming her, who thought that desert was responsible for their doom, she was culprit for their bad condition, for less food, for less water. She was desperate to know it from the lake . Hoping to get some answer she asked the lake. des
But to her surprise lake said nothing. He just waved his water like making a laughing noise. Desert was already in bad mood n now in worst. In anger she said," So u too dont want to answer me. OK. Fine. I can understand. U r The most famous lake . Aren't u? How can u talk to a desert like me, who is loathed by everybody."
On this lake just smiled n said " No dear, u took in a wrong way. I was searching for a proper answer to ur question. Just look in that way, ther two people r approaching me, soon they will drink my water. Plz hear them n then i will answer u."
Two blond people , holding lots of bags on their shoulders n in hands started drinking water from lake. Desert n lake both were waiting for their conversation to start.
One of them said, " Bill imagine this lake never existed. We would have been dead without water. This lake is just like a boon inthis desert. Thank GOD. U saved us. Thank GOD."
The two men rested for some time n then they left.
Then lake asked the desert," Have u heard what they talked about?". On this the desert murmured ," ya, the usual thing. Whats new in that?"
On this the lake said, " ya usual thing but u didn't understand the exact meaning. God made some good things but man forgot to praise those God's creations. So God made some things which made man realize the importance of the things made by God n greatness of God. "
" Like u, bcoz of u people praise me, bcoz of u they realize my importance. The two men thanked God bcoz in this hot desert he created me, due to which they were able to quench their thirst. N they realized this bcoz they experience ur hotness, ur heat. So its bcoz of u ,people remember God. So u hold important place in Gods construction plan. U are the one who makes man remember God n praise his creations."Hearing this desert felt like her thirst was quenched.
She asked the only lake remaining in her region. The only lake that people thought as a blessing of God.
"Tell me , am i so bad, so rude, that people, my own people those who belong to me, those who have been living here since decades, blame me, curse me for my nature."
Desert was really in a very bad mood. She was fed up by the taunts n curses of people who keep blaming her, who thought that desert was responsible for their doom, she was culprit for their bad condition, for less food, for less water. She was desperate to know it from the lake . Hoping to get some answer she asked the lake. des
But to her surprise lake said nothing. He just waved his water like making a laughing noise. Desert was already in bad mood n now in worst. In anger she said," So u too dont want to answer me. OK. Fine. I can understand. U r The most famous lake . Aren't u? How can u talk to a desert like me, who is loathed by everybody."
On this lake just smiled n said " No dear, u took in a wrong way. I was searching for a proper answer to ur question. Just look in that way, ther two people r approaching me, soon they will drink my water. Plz hear them n then i will answer u."
Two blond people , holding lots of bags on their shoulders n in hands started drinking water from lake. Desert n lake both were waiting for their conversation to start.
One of them said, " Bill imagine this lake never existed. We would have been dead without water. This lake is just like a boon inthis desert. Thank GOD. U saved us. Thank GOD."
The two men rested for some time n then they left.
Then lake asked the desert," Have u heard what they talked about?". On this the desert murmured ," ya, the usual thing. Whats new in that?"
On this the lake said, " ya usual thing but u didn't understand the exact meaning. God made some good things but man forgot to praise those God's creations. So God made some things which made man realize the importance of the things made by God n greatness of God. "
" Like u, bcoz of u people praise me, bcoz of u they realize my importance. The two men thanked God bcoz in this hot desert he created me, due to which they were able to quench their thirst. N they realized this bcoz they experience ur hotness, ur heat. So its bcoz of u ,people remember God. So u hold important place in Gods construction plan. U are the one who makes man remember God n praise his creations."Hearing this desert felt like her thirst was quenched.
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