I never thought holidays can be so boring and irritating. Yes, The holidays……..holidays for which we starting planning before exam ………holidays for which we wait eagerly.
You must be thinking that this type of rubbish only an insane person can write, but believe me sometime holidays can be boring. Especially when only you are having holidays while all your family members don’t have. Just like in my case, my college decided to give us this time one and half month holidays. And now my problem is that my mom and dad are busy with their college and my sister is engrossed in her school studies. So I am left with nothing.
Actually my problem is not THE HOLIDAYs but the fact that others don’t have holidays along with me. Now many questions must have aroused in your mind like what is the relation between my holidays and others. So let me explain with example.
As I get up early in the morning, let me tell you for me ,now, morning means at 9 am, first thing I hear is my mom. Very nicely and tactfully she asks me,” beta can you do some cooking for me, I am getting late for my lectures. Please beta.” And before my answer her reason why I should do cooking is ready. “ Beta please, also you don’t have any work to do. So just help your mom in your holidays.” Was there any need of telling me that I am idle? Then comes my sister. As soon as she returns from her tuitions, in her tired voice only few words are audible, “ tai please ple…… iron my tunic yaar..ple…ple…. You don’t have any work. Look at you , you are just sitting and eating apple. Can’t you do this simple work for your little tired sis.” Now this is called solid emotional blackmailing. Someone should learn from my sis. Then as I sit on my computer, my dad’s entry is must. The first thing that is visible to me is heap of CDs in his hands .Now it’s my dad’s turn , “Avii, if you have time, I mean if you can take out time from orkut and net for your dad then please sort out these few CDs. Make a list of what each CD contains.” Don’t go on the word ‘few’. Here few is used for 20-25 Cds.
These are just few examples of how I am made to remember that I am idle and others are busy. I don’t deny , even others don’t deny that I am busy through out day with my books n novels, with my blog and orkut. But then most important thing which puts me in idle category is that I am not going to college and hence I am an idle.
You must be thinking what a grumbling person I am? But, ‘post abhi baki hai mere dost’.While doing all these things I started enjoying my holidays in small small packages. This credit goes to my dad. After telling me some or the other work he never forgot to boost up me by saying , ”Come-on avii. Don’t bring that expression on face. Enjoy whatever you are doing. Do it like no one can do it better than u, even if it is ironing your sister’s tunic.” Well now that I have started enjoying my small duties, holidays have become more compatible. And of course by ironing my sis’s tunic and doing some more things for her like taking her to tuitions on my kinetic and picking her from her tuitions, listening to her school review every day, has brought both of us more closer.
Well hello.....You are not the only one who finds Holidays boring...here is another one.
Yours is a one and half month vacation, mine was twice as long as yours.....a prolong three months time that too during the summers.....I have got all the time in the world but no work.
Here comes the advantage of being a girl in an Indian society.....you cook and we taste(as we cannot go out in the scorching summer sun)...and that tasting continued for three months and I gained weight that my jeans could hardly fit in.......
You would laugh when i would say the solution to my quiescent vacation.....
I started to plant, rose plants and some others plants in my garden space.Well before that I have never thought in my wildest dreams that I would do that.The next option was to go to relatives homes and to chat with them and to hear to their agony......every time I meet them they have one problem or the others huh.....who in this world is devoid of problems???
Even then,I still love vacations(not a long one though)because I get chance to sleep in my mothers lap, grab her flabby stomach and kiss her....I love her more than anything in the world......and certainly much more that a boring vacation.
Really thanks..........for ur suggestions..i will try to apply them ...practically.......thanks.
you know avanti, in whatever circumstances life throws a person in, he/she always finds out how to enjoy it...and that's the case with you...Enjoy you holidays and keep blogging.
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