“What rubbish is this? How can they….how can it happen? Oh shut mann…how we are going to prepare??????????????”, these and many such questions occurred in my mind when I heard that our beloved, favorite and adorable(hope you got the sarcasm) Nagpur University had decided that 3rd and 7th sem exams will be before Diwali and that to only one day gap will be given between each paper.
Doesn’t that sound something disastrous…….something horrible……..if not, just ask 3rd and 7th sem students or those ‘to be’ engineers who had faced this exam. There condition was just like a fighter who is told that he will have to fight his strongest enemy without any arms n ammunition. Oh God!. Me and my friends, we all thought that Nagpur university, (not the building, ………..but people working under it’s roof) had lost it’s brain………ohh sorry this part it never had………….lost it’s senses. All seniors from our college and many others protested in front of Nagpur university building. But no use.
Our pleadings, our demands, our future(as it depended on this exam’s result) had no effect on those people who were more interested in giving more and good Diwali holidays to their non-teaching staff and hence decided to spoil student’s holidays and even result by conducting exam before Diwali. So now only way for us was to appear for exam and pass.
Now just think of a student who has done nothing during whole term as that student is completely dependant on those 5-6 days that he will be getting before each exam paper for preparation. What will be his condition after knowing about Nagpur University’s Diwali Gift. What will be his plan or strategy to pass this one day interval exam……….to get as much internals i.e. out of 20 and get on paper at least that much marks that will make total of paper >=40. This time I was in this same category.
Say it my overconfidence, or I took whole thing very lightly or the fact that my leg got fractured and was in plaster for more than a month, but this time I was not prepared at all. And my low score in sessionals had already lowered my confidence. My first year 78.3% was still alive in my mind. I really wanted to make it above 80% in this term but now the situation was that I was literally planning to just somehow pass in each paper and avoid any backs.
And now as I am writing this article after my last paper and I can tell you that this one day gap exam was not an easy task and to make it more difficult Nagpur University won our hearts by presenting us toughest paper of each subject.( Let me tell you that this is not just my opinion but many other scholar student’s opinion is also considered in it ). So no prize for guessing that my answer sheets contain most amazing answers and examiner will be pleased to check them as he will not be required to put many efforts and brain and they will be less time consuming. And not to mention most of the time he will just be require to put ‘0’ on my answers sheet. Truth apart, this examination has changed my thinking a lot. Now many new and interesting questions have arrived in my mind.
If some how I manage to clear all subjects , what knowledge I had earn from this 3rd sem. My knowledge or depth of 3rd sem is limited unto the QUESTIONS given in VBD or Questions that are repeatedly asked in exam (from 3-4 previous year papers).Whether this knowledge is going to help me in my future, in becoming a good engineer or somehow I will also manage like all others have done or still are doing. Has this examination made me learn something knowledgeable or just taught me how to study for getting just passing marks. Has this exam sharpened my intellect or has sharpened my skill of how to cheat.(Let me tell you that I am against of cheating because I don’t have that much guts but I have seen many of them cheating). So friends I am really confused that why I have given this exam. …………….just as a formality……….or just because my friends were also involved in this mass activity. Why ..Why I wasted each one day before exam in searching the repetitive questions and mugging them. Why I wasted so many university’s papers in writing irrelevant answers.
Well I thing I will require some time for finding answers to these questions or I will be able to answer them myself after getting my degree.
Doesn’t that sound something disastrous…….something horrible……..if not, just ask 3rd and 7th sem students or those ‘to be’ engineers who had faced this exam. There condition was just like a fighter who is told that he will have to fight his strongest enemy without any arms n ammunition. Oh God!. Me and my friends, we all thought that Nagpur university, (not the building, ………..but people working under it’s roof) had lost it’s brain………ohh sorry this part it never had………….lost it’s senses. All seniors from our college and many others protested in front of Nagpur university building. But no use.
Our pleadings, our demands, our future(as it depended on this exam’s result) had no effect on those people who were more interested in giving more and good Diwali holidays to their non-teaching staff and hence decided to spoil student’s holidays and even result by conducting exam before Diwali. So now only way for us was to appear for exam and pass.
Now just think of a student who has done nothing during whole term as that student is completely dependant on those 5-6 days that he will be getting before each exam paper for preparation. What will be his condition after knowing about Nagpur University’s Diwali Gift. What will be his plan or strategy to pass this one day interval exam……….to get as much internals i.e. out of 20 and get on paper at least that much marks that will make total of paper >=40. This time I was in this same category.
Say it my overconfidence, or I took whole thing very lightly or the fact that my leg got fractured and was in plaster for more than a month, but this time I was not prepared at all. And my low score in sessionals had already lowered my confidence. My first year 78.3% was still alive in my mind. I really wanted to make it above 80% in this term but now the situation was that I was literally planning to just somehow pass in each paper and avoid any backs.
And now as I am writing this article after my last paper and I can tell you that this one day gap exam was not an easy task and to make it more difficult Nagpur University won our hearts by presenting us toughest paper of each subject.( Let me tell you that this is not just my opinion but many other scholar student’s opinion is also considered in it ). So no prize for guessing that my answer sheets contain most amazing answers and examiner will be pleased to check them as he will not be required to put many efforts and brain and they will be less time consuming. And not to mention most of the time he will just be require to put ‘0’ on my answers sheet. Truth apart, this examination has changed my thinking a lot. Now many new and interesting questions have arrived in my mind.
If some how I manage to clear all subjects , what knowledge I had earn from this 3rd sem. My knowledge or depth of 3rd sem is limited unto the QUESTIONS given in VBD or Questions that are repeatedly asked in exam (from 3-4 previous year papers).Whether this knowledge is going to help me in my future, in becoming a good engineer or somehow I will also manage like all others have done or still are doing. Has this examination made me learn something knowledgeable or just taught me how to study for getting just passing marks. Has this exam sharpened my intellect or has sharpened my skill of how to cheat.(Let me tell you that I am against of cheating because I don’t have that much guts but I have seen many of them cheating). So friends I am really confused that why I have given this exam. …………….just as a formality……….or just because my friends were also involved in this mass activity. Why ..Why I wasted each one day before exam in searching the repetitive questions and mugging them. Why I wasted so many university’s papers in writing irrelevant answers.
Well I thing I will require some time for finding answers to these questions or I will be able to answer them myself after getting my degree.
may sound pedantic and impractical.. but one should be consistent....study in bits and pieces.. all we do is just let things balloon to the size of the earth and pray that it doesn't burst.
You seem to be a person who is well above this kind of jittery behavior. Exams are petty things.they are a part of life. there is nothing very scary about them. I found the IIT-JEE exams a much inflated notion..
I hope with a li'l bit of tact and regularity....You won't encounter such head-reeling situations.
Btw... you write nice. and I would very much like to go thru your posts.
You would think that I am doing it coz you read mine. Well, to a degree yes. But anonymity has its hazards.
keep penning.
to tell you frankly ask any engineer who has passed....even from the IIT's, what have they learned during their colleges life.....the answer would be......... "nothing".....
So no need to panic......these are the part and parcel of college life.......and these are the things that make the college life the most memorable period of one's life.....bursting crackers in the girls wings.....having a date in the corner of the campus.....flirting.....bunking classes........proxies....and to spend some sleepless nights just before the exams......these are the characterstics of engineers in todays engineering college.....these are the things that makes them robust and intresting......they can overcome any surprise which a smile on their face......so enjoy life and never panic.....
a nicely written post though.....
well interesting to read once again the same complains by a student... lolz
its been quite a years now that i have not heard anyone of blurting out against the exam systems badly... :D
it was actually quite effective but isnt it better ki Deewali se pehley he exams ho jayein toh?
at least tension khatam ho jati hay baba... :)
btw you are blogrolled :)
good post , the plight of engineering students is something i relate with . the exams make no sense, nor does the scheduling.
read ur poems too , but to be frank could be much better . check out the ones on my blog and tell me what you think.
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