Well before I met him, in fact before we all( that’s my family, my mom , dad and my younger sister) met him, my life was different and after meeting him, after knowing him and after understanding him my life completely changed and my parents view also changed. He made it so easy for me…it can not be expressed in words.
Wait wait wait…before you start imagining weird things let me make it very clear. The one who has made so much impact (positive) on my life is non other than Baba Ranchoddas. Ya …. its not a typing mistake , Baba Ranchoddas is actually responsible for all this change and I would like to thank him and THREE IDIOTS…..Jahapanna tussi great ho!!
Before this I used to think that up to which level movies can affect anyone’s life but after watching three idiots , forget about other people, but my mom and dad , oh God , they completely changed which changed my life also.
Well premovie my day used to start with an earthquake (my mom shaking me like plates of earth’s crust shaking leg on kajarare) and if some how ( by rare luck) my mom got success in waking me then her very high decibel sound used to penetrate my ear and used to bang my ear drum giving my half woken brain instruction to start studying. But situation has changed post movie. Now suddenly she has started saying,”its your decision when to wake up and study. When ever you want, you can, I am not going to force you, right. I am not forcing you”.
Premovie , while me and my sister used to watch roadies and at very interesting point my dad too used to get interested in watching news , then to make me feel guilty for watching TV he used to say very sweetly and softly ( very irritatingly and harshly like a poisonous tablet coated in sugar) “ Beta, I thing you are in third year of engineering and your exams are approaching. But by your behavior and activities it never appeared to me that you are even going to any educational institute, forget about BE.” That’s the other thing that such verbal attacks doesn’t affect me, but still it was insulting in front of my younger sister. But post movie he himself points out, “don’t you want to watch your (I am not it’s producer) Roadies. Go watch or else you will say that your father forces you to study.”
So now every morning, while reading newspaper my dad says, “One more suicide, out of study pressure. I don’t understand why parents don’t give freedom to their children….(a big pause)…like we have given to our children. Isn’t it?” He is of course looking at me. As I am left with no other option, “Yes” is what is left with me. Then he continues, “ Education system needs a change.”
Now if I am found sleeping (that happens most of the time) I am not woken up as if I had done a sin. If I am found blogging I am not scolded. So pre and post movie my study chart remains same (that’s at ZERO) but my scolding chart has fallen suddenly .
I know my mom and dad are the best(est) parents in the world but sometimes out of care and for my own good they used to worry about me ( education), but after listening to Baba Ranchoddas they came to know the actual flaws in our education system. So I want to thank Baba and 3 idiots for this welcome change in my maa and paa.
(P.S: My mom and dad never forced me to do any particular work(study) and never forced their decisions on me and I always got freedom that I needed to take my own decisions and I really want to thank God for this.)