One of my close friend moved to pune for pursuing her higher studies and I am missing her like anything. Now i came to know how important she is to me and how important all my friends are to me. This poem is dedicated to her and all my buddies , my friends ( my pantar log. I kn u all got it)
Parting Ways
When she was close I had no time
All other things were on my mind,
Long list of miss calls, long list of message
I ignored them, I was so unkind;
But everything has changed, all upside down
Now I call, but no one picks it around,
I wait for reply but no answer,
I will not repeat again to God I swear;
Now no use
Everything I do anyway
Nothing is gonna change
Now my friend is away..away…away..!!
And thus my heart cries out-
Please don’t go away from me
Don’t leave me alone here
I wanna show how valuable is to me
Your friendship, love and care!!
I miss all rides together we had
Every alternate night,
I miss someone standing there with whom
I can start a fight;
You must have got busy with your life
But I still remember you,
The day I didn’t remember you
Such days are very few;
Oh God give me just one chance
This time I will play it fare
I wanna show my friend how valuable is to me
Her friendship, love and care!!
Now I am afraid she is the first one to leave me,
Soon others will follow the trail - one, two n three
They all will leave to chase their dreams
This thought makes me want to scream
How is life , its very rude
It brings together us all
We learn to share and care
And then life makes us fall
Fall deep , deep down
Parting away our ways
Like from one point
Sun’s diverging rays
Oh God grant me some time before
Before my friends go anywhere
I wanna show how valuable is to me
Their friendship, love and care!!
All other things were on my mind,
Long list of miss calls, long list of message
I ignored them, I was so unkind;
But everything has changed, all upside down
Now I call, but no one picks it around,
I wait for reply but no answer,
I will not repeat again to God I swear;
Now no use
Everything I do anyway
Nothing is gonna change
Now my friend is away..away…away..!!
And thus my heart cries out-
Please don’t go away from me
Don’t leave me alone here
I wanna show how valuable is to me
Your friendship, love and care!!
I miss all rides together we had
Every alternate night,
I miss someone standing there with whom
I can start a fight;
You must have got busy with your life
But I still remember you,
The day I didn’t remember you
Such days are very few;
Oh God give me just one chance
This time I will play it fare
I wanna show my friend how valuable is to me
Her friendship, love and care!!
Now I am afraid she is the first one to leave me,
Soon others will follow the trail - one, two n three
They all will leave to chase their dreams
This thought makes me want to scream
How is life , its very rude
It brings together us all
We learn to share and care
And then life makes us fall
Fall deep , deep down
Parting away our ways
Like from one point
Sun’s diverging rays
Oh God grant me some time before
Before my friends go anywhere
I wanna show how valuable is to me
Their friendship, love and care!!