I saw you through the glass window,
There you were looking at me
The smile on your lips that kills
The spark in your eyes I feel
First time I felt something
As if my feelings have got new wings
You in your faded jeans and blue shirt
With those messed up hair
Holding my favourite writer in one hand
Other in pocket with headphones in ear
You were standing alone and that was so unfair
Yellow I hated
Till I saw you in those slippers
And I realised that you were still smiling
May be you were thinking same for me
May be you were feeling same for me
That glass window was transformed into some sacred relic
Then suddenly you were dialling
How can you lose such a precious moment to a cell phone
How can you return from ‘first site love’ zone
How can you turn you back to the window
How can you hold her hand
All the magic vanished , as if some one broke my magic wand
She was in red with her curly locks
Wearing skirt , your view she blocked
And there you were
Laughing together, smiling and chatting,
And here I was ,against the glass, the crude reality watching
Then you moved more close to the glass , stared at me through it
and then you got a comb and tried to settle you hair a bit
so dawned upon me the realisation
that my sacred relic was a mirror for you,
I was invisible, you were monitoring your own reflection
Whatever I was thinking, it was just my fairy tale imagination
Then I smiled at you as well,
Through the same glass
This is how my ‘first sight love’ fever passed
But still I go to the same shop
Thinking some day you might show up,
And smile at your own reflection,
I would see you through the glass
And again I will visit my world of fairy tale imagination.