May be some of u may think that this article is written quite late…….I mean I am actually penning my thoughts on this topic so late. But there is one reason. I was so shocked and confused. I was so much in pain and sorrow. It was too difficult for me to understand what was going on?
Till now u must have understood that I am talking about the Mumbai massacre. But it’s just not the Mumbai that has suffered….the whole Nation is facing a new problem….. Even the political leaders are sufferers…..ya, many of them had to resign.
The fact is that whatever happened to Mumbai for 3 days has shaken the base of our own India. We Indians who were proud of our country, of our political structure, of our democracy, of our political leaders, of our politics are now in great dilemma. We all Indians are now questioning ourselves what is happening. Who is responsible for all this. So many innocent people who were killed, who is culprit behind this?
Ya of course the terrorist are the ones who killed these many people. But terrorist are the final outcome. I am talking about the input - means how on the earth these terrorist were able to step on Indian soil. How they were not spotted by our coastguards. Why our intelligence agency failed to have any pre idea about it?
From last 2-3 days on each news channel ,people are shown accusing political leaders. Even R.R Patil and Vilasrao Deshmukh has given resignation. One question that is troubling me is Why we are asking for the resignation of these leaders?. Whether we want something or other to be done after such horrible incidence just to satisfy our feeling that we have done something or we actually have woken up from our deep sleep.
Whole India was shattered by this incidence. I still cant forget how the bodies were removed from Taj, which was shone in NEWS. I can’t even imagine the state of people who have lost their near ones. The picture of Major Unnikrishnan’s mother crying near her young son’s body is still fresh in my mind. The sound of shooting and granite bombs is still prevailing in my ears. We all are feeling this pain………we all are feeling that we need to do something……but what. Just by asking resignation of few leaders is going to solve this grave problem. Is this the answer to our many question.
No…this not gonna help us. One or two people are not responsible…whole system is faulty. Like, how these terrorist came from Gujrat to Mumbai unnoticed? How these terrorist escaped the coastguards?. Now here coastguards are not fully equipped. Who is responsible for this? How they entered Hotel Taj with all arms n ammunitions? These terrorist were knowing each and every corner of Taj and Oberoy as they were shown videos of them. This means that someone must have shooted that video. There must be some local help. There are so may questions and that much problem . Still now we never gave a thought to it. There were so many warnings but we ignored it. And now we are saying terrorism is a big problem and we are blaming each other. U know what is the main problem...........we ourselves are.....we get ignited when ever such incidence happens....then after some days we tend to forget it.....each time we realize n then we forget....what we need is to keep ourselves charge up....forever.....then only something can happen. Now it’s a high time. If now we forget then may be next time we will not get even this chance to blame each other.
Till now u must have understood that I am talking about the Mumbai massacre. But it’s just not the Mumbai that has suffered….the whole Nation is facing a new problem….. Even the political leaders are sufferers…..ya, many of them had to resign.
The fact is that whatever happened to Mumbai for 3 days has shaken the base of our own India. We Indians who were proud of our country, of our political structure, of our democracy, of our political leaders, of our politics are now in great dilemma. We all Indians are now questioning ourselves what is happening. Who is responsible for all this. So many innocent people who were killed, who is culprit behind this?
Ya of course the terrorist are the ones who killed these many people. But terrorist are the final outcome. I am talking about the input - means how on the earth these terrorist were able to step on Indian soil. How they were not spotted by our coastguards. Why our intelligence agency failed to have any pre idea about it?
From last 2-3 days on each news channel ,people are shown accusing political leaders. Even R.R Patil and Vilasrao Deshmukh has given resignation. One question that is troubling me is Why we are asking for the resignation of these leaders?. Whether we want something or other to be done after such horrible incidence just to satisfy our feeling that we have done something or we actually have woken up from our deep sleep.
Whole India was shattered by this incidence. I still cant forget how the bodies were removed from Taj, which was shone in NEWS. I can’t even imagine the state of people who have lost their near ones. The picture of Major Unnikrishnan’s mother crying near her young son’s body is still fresh in my mind. The sound of shooting and granite bombs is still prevailing in my ears. We all are feeling this pain………we all are feeling that we need to do something……but what. Just by asking resignation of few leaders is going to solve this grave problem. Is this the answer to our many question.
No…this not gonna help us. One or two people are not responsible…whole system is faulty. Like, how these terrorist came from Gujrat to Mumbai unnoticed? How these terrorist escaped the coastguards?. Now here coastguards are not fully equipped. Who is responsible for this? How they entered Hotel Taj with all arms n ammunitions? These terrorist were knowing each and every corner of Taj and Oberoy as they were shown videos of them. This means that someone must have shooted that video. There must be some local help. There are so may questions and that much problem . Still now we never gave a thought to it. There were so many warnings but we ignored it. And now we are saying terrorism is a big problem and we are blaming each other. U know what is the main problem...........we ourselves are.....we get ignited when ever such incidence happens....then after some days we tend to forget it.....each time we realize n then we forget....what we need is to keep ourselves charge up....forever.....then only something can happen. Now it’s a high time. If now we forget then may be next time we will not get even this chance to blame each other.